Make the most of your PROFIT.

Investments are very speculative, that is why we encourage our investors to always refer friends and as well trade consistently. We offer nothing but daily income

Why choose us

Investing your digital assets with Unify capital trade is safe, and advisable. No risk involved, you are only doing the right thing making your money work for you.

Stability Of Purchasing Power

Investment is the employment of funds with the objective of earning income or capital appreciation. Profitable trading is only what we assure you

Capital Growth

One of the important principles of investment is capital appreciation. A company flourishes when the industry to which it belongs is sound.

Stable Income Earnings

Investors invest their funds in such assets that provide stable income. Regularity of income is consistent with a good investment program. The income should not only be stable but also adequate as well.

Secure Payments

Safety of funds invested is one of the essential routine of our program. Safety of principal signifies protection against any possible loss under the changing conditions.


This program is made to encourage investors even while they earn they as well make good income referring friends. You earn 4% of your downlines investment.

Fastest Payout

We ensure our clients are paid as prompt. Payment is sent directly to user registered wallet address after a withdrawal request is made